Friday, November 19, 2010


Second week of my second semester. Still, you are very good to me. You haven't pull me down, yet. Everything's perfectly fine, everything going my way. It is as beautiful as what you guys could see. :">


Alright, my class is at 7am-11am. Sir Andrew collected our homework about our reactions on the essay given that "Filipinos are not Book Lovers". We were also grouped to share our insights. Logic, CWG and Literature? The same old thing. I was too active for recitation. :)


No classes. Mom and I went to shopping. We often do this, we enjoy doing this together. :) Got a bloated and full tummy. Super mouthwatering Yellow Cab pizza and pasta, plus my jackpot! Forever 21's stunning clothing. :>


As far as I could remember, start of my sick moments. Nothing to do the whole day, but study in advance and make some powerful naps which I know, sharpens my mind, beneficially. :) And so as a result, I stayed up 'til 2am, playing cards and sharing stories with my roommates.


I am sick. Terribly sick, for I do have insufficient hours of sleep. :( Mixed emotions day. I super had a wonderful mood during our Logic and PGC period, but at the middle of our PGC, head started to bug me. It sucks, as in. Plus my stomach. Ouch. Body pain. Everything. Although my professor in PGC seem to call me for recitation every now and then.. For she marked me as the one who always answers. :> Theology, what the fudge? Why give us a lot of stuffs to do? Have mercy. :| Math time, come on! Am I forgetting you this far? Got a little tortoise about you. :(


I am back in the game. I am again feeling really well. Word for the day: Hunch Concho. My word was the very first word Sir Andrew noticed awhile ago, and it made me smile. :> Going home.. And I am now finally home. :> I so miss this place. The bed, the room, and everything. :)

** Still going smoothly. 2 weeks and counting.. :)

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