Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why Life, Why.

April 14, 2013

He is Sir Chief. I am certain you know who he is.
He's like the dream guy of every woman, and that includes me. He's actually the type of man everyone desires for. He's good yet stern looking, seemingly hard to get and be with. He looks intimidating. In his television appearance as "Sir Chief" in Be Careful with my Heart. I'd always wish to be Maya, at least for a day. Just a for a day, but I never realize that it will actually happen. I never saw him coming.

Yes, I have my own SIR Chief.
You might not want to believe me, but I know he exists in my life. I want to share this words I've got from him, and it goes like this: "Yes. Just have to be realistic with what you believe you need. Other "needs" kasi are in reality "wants." They don't have to be there but you want them to be there. But since you don't need them... You can let them. Focus on what you "need" but make those needs few and composed only of the most essential. :)"

I know, I do not have a love life, I do not have that special someone. (Yes, for the longest run, I'm choosing to be single. For a couple of months now. Let me tell you, it's hard but I know it's going to be worth it. It has been eight months since I get into a relationship.) I just don't know why. Why life has just driven me to be alone, but one thing's for sure... I know it is just temporary. Thus, everything's in this world is just temporary.

I just can't imagine, not even move on that I treated as a priority, or should say an obligation. I woke up at 7:30am, yet I found my inbox with 18-page, 7-parts sms, around 6:41am. I was totally shocked. I didn't expect that I would get a reply from him. What I got was.. O.O Wow. That moment when, I opened my eyes I got this racing of heartbeat. "I SHOULD reply to you." I felt as if, my world stops for awhile. I got that 'certain' feeling again. The last time was yeah, during the send-off party, that I got a lift from him. But let me tell you, I know my limitations, it's just that I'm enjoying the feeling. That certain feeling that I admire this person a lot, thus I never imagine, not in my entire life that we'll get this close. Even closer.

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